Tuesday 24 November 2015

Basic Details To Know About A Fire Hydrant System

A fire is a very common disaster that can occur all of a sudden, at any given place, and the consequences of a disaster are quite obvious. This is why industry experts recommend to install proper fire protection systems at every premise. Installing the right firefighting device is of crucial importance as it helps save lots of lives and avoid damage to properties. In order to ensure maximum possible security for all the occupants, it’s essential to follow fire prevention programs and install the right firefighting device. A fire hydrant system is one of the most reliable and active measures to prevent fire. This device is also referred to as a connection point using which the firefighting professionals can use water supply.

The fire hydrant system is considered to be the backbone of an entire firefighting device. It’s basically a water distribution system that consists of suction piping, water tank, a distributed piping system and fire pumps. A thorough connectivity is established throughout the building with the help of a water distribution system. The entire system is interconnected through nozzles, hoses and hydrants. The main purpose of a fire hydrant system is to act as a source of water to any of the points, throughout the building. It should be readily available so that it can be instantly used as and when needed. This helps control a fire during emergency situations.

Whenever a fire breaks out, it’s essential to ensure fast response time as this is what helps prevent the major damages. A fire hydrant system helps do the same. Although every firefighting device is equipped with water supply, it might be limited at times. In situations like these, the fire hydrants must supply a vast amount of water so that major fires can be put out easily. Make sure the fire hydrant system functions optimally at all times as this is one of the major elements of the entire firefighting process.

There are both private and public fire hydrant systems. Fire hydrants that are placed on public land are referred to as public fire hydrant. Usually, the local respective governments are in charge of the maintenance of these devices. They have to arrange regular inspections and also keep the hydrants free from any kind of obstacles. Fire hydrants that are placed on private lands are considered as private fire hydrants. The respective landowner is responsible for taking care of these devices. Apart from these, there are fire safety companies in each country that are specialized in checking the fire hydrants.

If any user owns a fire hydrant privately, he can consider hiring a specialized fire safety expert to inspect the device at frequent intervals. However, even if you hire the professional help, it’s advisable to be aware of the procedures and steps that are usually followed in an inspection process. If you are wondering how frequently a fire hydrant should be inspected, you should be aware of the fact that the industry experts are of the opinion to get a fire hydrant checked at least twice a year.

(Article Credit: http://articles.pubarticles.com/how-to-know-important-details-about-fire-hydrant-system-1448361429,1587743.html)

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