Sunday, 13 December 2015

Through Inspection of A Fire Sprinkler System

There is no doubt regarding the fact that fire sprinkler systems are of extreme importance whenever it comes to handle a fire. Most importantly, a fire is a disaster that can occur at any place, any time. This is why it’s advisable to keep all the equipment ready so that you can easily handle an emergency situation. A fire sprinkler system is one of the most advanced fire fighting devices that help put out fire. If you have already installed a firefighting device at your place, you should ensure that it’s in a sound condition. This is important because if the device is not in a working condition, it won’t be effective when needed most.

If you are wondering how to keep a fire extinguisher or a fire sprinkler in a sound condition, you should know that testing these devices at frequent intervals is the key to do that. Although it’s recommended to ask for the professional help when it comes to inspect a fire sprinkler system, you can also give it a try on your own. Here are the steps following which you can inspect a firefighting device –

Locate the main system control shut-off valve – When you begin to inspect a fire sprinkler system, you should locate the control shut-off valve of the main system right at the beginning. Usually this valve is the line of the domestic water supply.

Find out the main riser – Next, you need to find out the main riser of the sprinkler system. You can easily find this in one of the cabinets on the wall of the garage.

Inspect the main riser – Make sure you inspect the main riser thoroughly to ensure that there is a certain pressure of water. Remember that the pressure gauge should read something between 50 psi and 100 psi. If you see that the pressure is very low or there is no pressure at all, consider contacting a professional who has specialized knowledge in fire sprinkler repair.

Find out the test valve – Next you need to locate the test valve that is usually placed outside the rear wall of the house. Try to open the test valve in a way so that the water comes out slowly. Check when the alarm bell rings, and after that, turn off the valve. If the bell doesn’t ring even after the given time, check if there is any obstruction. If you can’t find any kind of obstruction, and the bell doesn’t ring, you should contact a licensed fire sprinkler repairing professional.

Inspect the interior – Finally, you should inspect all the sprinkler heads that are placed inside your home. Be sure to check if there are any items hanging from the sprinkler heads or any other signs of leakage. Also check if there is any damage to the sprinkler heads.  If you have installed concealed sprinkler heads, ensure that all the decorative plates are placed at the right location.

These are the five steps following which you can inspect a fire sprinkler system. It’s advisable to inspect these devices every six months.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Basic Details To Know About A Fire Hydrant System

A fire is a very common disaster that can occur all of a sudden, at any given place, and the consequences of a disaster are quite obvious. This is why industry experts recommend to install proper fire protection systems at every premise. Installing the right firefighting device is of crucial importance as it helps save lots of lives and avoid damage to properties. In order to ensure maximum possible security for all the occupants, it’s essential to follow fire prevention programs and install the right firefighting device. A fire hydrant system is one of the most reliable and active measures to prevent fire. This device is also referred to as a connection point using which the firefighting professionals can use water supply.

The fire hydrant system is considered to be the backbone of an entire firefighting device. It’s basically a water distribution system that consists of suction piping, water tank, a distributed piping system and fire pumps. A thorough connectivity is established throughout the building with the help of a water distribution system. The entire system is interconnected through nozzles, hoses and hydrants. The main purpose of a fire hydrant system is to act as a source of water to any of the points, throughout the building. It should be readily available so that it can be instantly used as and when needed. This helps control a fire during emergency situations.

Whenever a fire breaks out, it’s essential to ensure fast response time as this is what helps prevent the major damages. A fire hydrant system helps do the same. Although every firefighting device is equipped with water supply, it might be limited at times. In situations like these, the fire hydrants must supply a vast amount of water so that major fires can be put out easily. Make sure the fire hydrant system functions optimally at all times as this is one of the major elements of the entire firefighting process.

There are both private and public fire hydrant systems. Fire hydrants that are placed on public land are referred to as public fire hydrant. Usually, the local respective governments are in charge of the maintenance of these devices. They have to arrange regular inspections and also keep the hydrants free from any kind of obstacles. Fire hydrants that are placed on private lands are considered as private fire hydrants. The respective landowner is responsible for taking care of these devices. Apart from these, there are fire safety companies in each country that are specialized in checking the fire hydrants.

If any user owns a fire hydrant privately, he can consider hiring a specialized fire safety expert to inspect the device at frequent intervals. However, even if you hire the professional help, it’s advisable to be aware of the procedures and steps that are usually followed in an inspection process. If you are wondering how frequently a fire hydrant should be inspected, you should be aware of the fact that the industry experts are of the opinion to get a fire hydrant checked at least twice a year.

(Article Credit:,1587743.html)

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Few Interesting Facts to Know About Fire Sprinkler System

In the present scenario, using a fire protection system is one of the most common practices for any and every business. Whether it’s a multiplex, a shopping complex or a government embassy, installing the right firefighting device is considered as one of the mandatory tasks since this is what helps keep the people safe when a disaster occurs. Since it’s beyond the controlling capacity of anyone to predict when exactly a fire will take place, it’s advisable to select the right fire extinguisher and keep it installed at the right place so that it gets automatically activated as soon as a disaster occurs. This helps minimize the possibilities of casualties and also helps protect valuable business assets. Apart from fire extinguishers, a fire sprinkler system is another advanced device that is being used for firefighting at many business organizations.

In fact, studies show that there are many instances when fire sprinkler systems proved to be more effective than conventional firefighting devices when it was about to protect the lives of common people. However, there are many facts about these systems that are still not so known. If you are planning to invest in a dry sprinkler system for your business, you should consider taking a look at these facts. Read More

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Interesting Facts About Fire Alarm System

A fire is a disaster that can take place anywhere, at any point of time. This is why it’s advisable to keep all the safety measures ready at place so that even if a disaster occurs, you can save the lives of people as well as the property that is exposed to danger. A fire alarm system is one of the most effective devices that help fight a fire. This is what detects the presence of the smoke and fire, and lets the people know about the occurrence of the fire. If you are responsible for ensuring the safety of people, present at a premise, or you own a business, you must have thought of installing proper fire fighting devices at your premise. However, before you invest in a fire extinguisher or a fire suppression system, you should think about installing a fire alarm.

A fire alarm is an efficient device that informs you about the occurrence of fire. Fire Indicator Panel or FIP is considered to be the most significant part of a fire detection system and a fire alarm system. This panel consists of certain control equipment, and all these equipment create an integrated system. The core components of this panel include secondary power, cabinet, control electronics, visual interface, primary power supply unit, battery charger, input termination and monitoring, input interface and control, and output termination and monitoring. 

How a fire alarm system operates?

The main function of a fire alarm system or a FIP is to keep a close eye on the zones and circuits for any abnormal condition. If any kind of abnormality is observed, the status is clearly displayed. After that, the outputs are designed according to the situation. These outputs are basically designed to warn the occupants regarding the occurrence of the fire. It also helps notify the fire brigade as well as control the spread of smoke, fire and heat. 

What is a circuit?

A circuit consists of an unbroken path, through which an electric current can flow. In a fire alarm system, the term circuit usually refers to a wiring that connects one or more detectors to the fire panel. 

What is a zone?

A zone refers to a group of one or more detectors. These are categorized according to the location of the detectors. 

If you are planning to invest in a fire alarm system for a vast premise, it’s advisable to opt for a commercial alarm system since this type of a device is way more efficient as compared to the fire alarm systems that are usually used at homes. You can also opt for a commercial fire alarm system service as this will provide you with 24X7 security.  

National Fire Armour is a reputed and reliable name when it comes to commercial fire alarm systems. They offer both addressable and conventional fire alarm systems and you can opt for any one, based on your exact business requirements. Make sure, you check out the features of both the systems before choosing one.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Mechanism Of A Firefighting System

It’s a well-known fact that natural disasters may occur anytime, anywhere and this is why it’s essential to follow the precautionary measures. In the present scenario, a fire may occur at any organization due to carelessness. Keeping the fatal consequences of fire in mind, organizations prefer to keep a fire fighting system in place, properly installed, so that the situation can be controlled when needed most. By installing a fire extinguisher, the amount of casualties can also be reduced. The main objective of installing a fire fighting system is to protect lives of human as well as the property.

The chances of natural disasters like fire are equally true for all types of facilities, institutions and businesses. No matter whether you work in the healthcare, education, commercial, hospitality, industrial or government sectors, you must follow the proper safety measures. Organizations should be well prepared to fight this type of emergency situations, with appropriate fire safety equipment. They should also be able to communicate with the rescue team effectively and quickly as soon as the mishap occurs.

There are multiple benefits of installing a fire fighting system in a building and quite interestingly, it’s beneficial not only for the end users, but also for the building owners. Wondering how? Well, due to a fire, a real estate property can be damaged to a great extent. By installing a powerful fire extinguisher, you can protect the building from getting entirely damaged.

How does a firefighting system work?

It’s important to understand the mechanism of a firefighting system. Usually, this system consists of three parts – a specialized pumping system, a sprinkler or a hydrant and a large water tank. The amount of water that is stored in a fire storage tank depends on the level of hazard of the concerned project.

Usually there are three levels of hazards – light, ordinary and high hazards. Light hazards can usually be observed at residential buildings, offices and schools while hazards that occur at warm houses or factories are categorized under ordinary hazards. Areas where flammable materials are kept or used are vulnerable to high hazards. These areas include firework factories, paint factories, foam factories and aircraft hangars.

The total amount of water that is stored in a water tank, is given on the basis of pumping capacity per hour. Systems that have the capacity of one hour, are equipped with large tanks. This ensures the system is able to supply plenty of water for a period of one hour, after the pumps are switched on.
The fire pumps are usually kept in a pump room that is quite close to the fire tanks. The most important thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the pumps should be placed a level below from the fire tank. This ensures the water can easily flow from the tanks to the pumps, following the natural law of gravity.

The distribution system is made of either galvanized steel or steel pipes that are usually painted in red. Automatic wet systems and automatic dry systems are the two basic types of distribution system.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Different Types Of Fire Protection Systems That You Should Know About

No matter whatever methods are followed while constructing a building, each and every construction is vulnerable to disasters like fire. Hence, a fire fighting system is one of the most essential components for ensuring the safety of human property and life. Keeping the chances of casualties in mind, it’s crucial to have a fire sprinkler ready in every building. Since the requirements for fire protection system keeps on varying with the different sectors and businesses, it’s important to keep different fire protection systems ready at place.

In order ensure complete fire safety, one needs to keep the different types of fire extinguishers available, because it’s not known to anyone what kind of a situation will occur. Talking about fire safety, it’s worth mentioning that the different equipment work for different emergency situations, and hence, it’s advisable to keep all the systems completely functional.

If you don’t have a clear knowledge of the different types of fire protection systems, here are some of the most popular systems that help fight emergency situations –

  • Dry pipe systems – This is one of the most widely used systems when it comes to fight fire. This type of equipment consists of a dry pipe that employs automatic sprinklers. These are connected to a piping system. This system either contains air or nitrogen that is highly pressurized. These systems are usually installed where there are chances of the pipes getting frozen. 
  • Wet fire sprinkler systems – These system work quite in a similar approach to that of the dry pipe systems. This system, too, employs sprinklers that function automatically. These sprinklers are connected to some piping systems. These pipes are further attached to a source of water, from where the water flows in, when needed. 
  • Special hazard fire protection systems – The hazard fire protection systems are designed in a special manner. These not only help in fire fighting, but also in detecting the source of fire. One of the greatest advantages to install these systems at a premise is that it helps detect fire as soon as it occurs. These types of equipment are usually used in places where large scale solutions are needed and the standard suppression systems aren't appropriate or adequate. 
  • Deluge sprinkler system – This is a simple fire safety equipment that is usually used for low to moderate requirements. In these systems, a number of open sprinklers are employed in the system. These sprinklers are further connected to the piping systems. 
  • Preaction systems – This is another fire fighting equipment that helps ensure complete fire safety. In this system, automatic sprinklers are employed and these are connected to a specific piping system. This system contains air that is highly pressurized and thus helps extinguish fire. This system also has a supplemental detection system and this is attached just where the sprinklers are attached. 

While these are some of the most popular firefighting systems, anti-freeze sprinklers system is another system. Although the mechanism of this system is quite similar to those of the other systems, instead of highly pressurised air or nitrogen, anti-freeze solution is used in these.